Friday, January 31, 2020

Employee Satisfaction in Human Resource Management Research Paper

Employee Satisfaction in Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example Complaints are normal in any organization as people are not similar. The handling of conflicts by the management is what encourages or discourages employee satisfaction. Complaints should be handled according to the set rules, guidelines and principles of the organization meaning with all fairness and justice. If any party is favored, then the other party will be angry and remorseful preventing job productivity and may even lead to employee turnover due to lack of satisfaction of the level of justice in the company. Conflicts are almost similar to complaints and should be handled in a sensitive manner. Conflicts are normally between the supervisor and lower level employee and this situation demands listening to both parties before any final decision is made. Employees are satisfied where they are treated equally in cases of conflicts without regards to rank or job position. If the conflicts are handled wrongly, it means that one of the parties is underappreciated and this leads to lack of job satisfaction in the employee and may even lead to lawsuits against unfair judgment and treatment of lower level employees (Zeqiri, Aziri and Mazllami, 2010). Harassments in the work place are of numerous natures. The most common of all the harassments is sexual harassment where an employee harasses another based on their sex. In this type of harassment, the most common victims are the employees and the perpetrators the employers or supervisors. When the matter is handled internally by the human resource department, in most cases the case is settled by transferring the employee or merely suspending the perpetrator and no further action is taken. After this, the victim is victimized or even threatened by the perpetrator for reporting and may even give false allegations just to get back at the employee. The victim therefore lives in fear and anger and does not enjoy work at all and this is an example of lack of employee satisfaction. This is common where

Thursday, January 23, 2020

La Oferta del Año - Spanish Essay :: Papers

La Oferta del Aà ±o Esta casa es ideal para una familia grande. Es situado en el corazà ³n de la ciudad y es la cerca muchas estaciones. Hay abajo una bastante grande cocina integral. Es muy mordern con baldosines. Hay tambià ©n un comedor grande y es decora agradablemente. Prà ³ximo a el comedor hay un aseo pequeà ±o. La casa tiene dos espacios de recibo, ambos grande y con chimineas. Al lado de primero espacio de recibo, hay un conservatorio nuevo con el plan encantador de madera y es la iluminacià ³n muy buena. Hay arriba cuatro dormitorios y dos cuartos de baà ±o. Ambos cuartos de baà ±o son completamente embaldosado. El dormitorio principal es grande, tiene las ventanas grandes y armarios empotrados. El tercero y segundos dormitorios son idà ©nticos con armarios empotrados. El cuarto dormitorio es pequeà ±o pero puede quedar una cama matrimonial. Todo el dormitoros son decorado hermosamente. Afuera, hay un garaje con suficiente espacio para dos coches. En el fachada jardin hay arboles frutales y las plantas grandes. En el jardà ­n de espalda hay una piscina climatizada pero pequeà ±o. La casa tiene el calefaccion central, vantanas insulados y parabolica. La arquitectura es extraordinaria, mordern y es diseà ±ado por un arquitecto bueno. El precio muy razonable y se acceptan afertas. Para mà ¡s informacion, contacta. Agentcia Anjani Amlani sobre: TLF: 0208 863 4444 CELULAR: 07704 404 404 ====================== Mi Casa Mi casa esta en Harrow Weald. Esta tambià ©n cerca de Wealdstone y diez minutos de mis escuelas. Mi casa tiene dos pisos. Abajo hay un grande salon. Es decorà ³ agradablemente pero es un poco pequeà ±o. El comedor es conectado el salon y es decorà ³ misma manera con una mesa pequeà ±a de vidrio en el centro del cuarto. La conservitorio es muchisimo largo y y tiene la iluminacià ³n bueno. Es muy frio en inverno o muy caliente en verano. Arriba hay tres dormitorios y una cuarto de baà ±o. El cuarto de bano es regular y es todo azul. El dormitorio de mi hermano es muy pequà ±o y

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Case Analysis ESRI

However, the software that SERIES provides is for a much more complex set of operations than merely looking up driving directions. In fact the software and services the company provides in the geographical information systems market, is so tailored to individual companies and firm that it cannot be catalogued with web based GIS such as Google Maps or Map Quest. Yes most of these systems now point out a great deal of geographical information, but is for the more common user. SERIES produces 40 products and related services for 40 different industries.As such, the company corner specific niche of the geographical information systems market that other more general web based systems would not be able to do without some extensive restructuring. Are the apparent problems the real problems or only symptoms of the real problems? The problem, if it can be called one is based on the human need to know about their world. Now, instead of looking at a paper map, the average consumer can find a we alth of information about literally any location, any. Here in the world. This was merely a logical progression of web based technology. In my analysis I found no problems with SERIES. The company has a strong foundation. It is not losing market share do to perceived competition, and its business strategy is sound. What are the characteristics of the environment in which the company operates? The characteristics of the company are of a firm that caters to a specific demographic that requires use of their products.It has only a few competitors, and is widely respected by competitor and customer alike What are the characteristics of the industry that the company is in and how is the industry changing over time? GIS is computer software that combines geographic location with point of interest information. This is done by producing electronic maps that have layers of information stacked upon each other to include visualization (ad graphics) with spatial analysis (combination of data and visualized information.The industry itself is comprised of large government agencies, utility companies, and large retail businesses such as store chains. What is the firm's strategy, in terms of the five strategy elements, for competing in this context? Arenas: Where will we be active? SERIES being a company that was started to field a specific variety of products or a specific number of industries that require complex geological information systems has chosen to remain in this niche market and not expand further.Vehicles: how will we get there? SERIES has chosen to arrive at their chosen destination by using sound financial management, concentration on R, customer relations, and choosing to not go public. Differentiators: How will we win in the marketplace? SERIES has chosen to differentiate itself by upgrading their products periodically, add touches requested by customers and by actually using information provided by customer surveys. Staging and Spacing: What will be our speed and sequence of moves?Through strategic planning, SERIES has shown that remaining in a niche market allows it to cater to the speed of requirement versus the speed of competition. Therefore, a great deal more time can be can be concentrated on R, customer relations, and company development. Economic logic: How will we obtain our returns? Because the company has chosen to remain private, all return on investment can be invested back into the company. There are no outlying expenses other than what the company itself generates. What are possible solutions to identified problems?The only solution was stated by the company's founder. Although not a requirement, SERIES could become more marketable by developing web based applications to make their information more accessible. Are there any possible problems with your suggested recommendations? What contingencies need to be accommodated? By making information more accessible, it also makes the company more public, which is not something t he company leadership wishes to do. Furthermore, it pushes the company into a broader market which inevitably creates more competition.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Techniques Used to Control Society in the Novel 1984

Dictators rule with absolute power, through many means unknown to the majority they manipulate and sculpt the people to their own desire. The totalitarian regime of Oceania is no different, except they have almost complete control over their citizens. The techniques they use to control the civilians are both hidden and openly used. The inner party has almost completely forced the outer party (the majority of the party) into utter submission, to follow their rules and regulations to the exact. Using these amazing techniques they rule over the citizens of Oceania with and iron fist. In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, the Government of Oceania controls the citizens by using fear and propaganda. One of the most†¦show more content†¦The government of Oceania used propaganda in so many amazing ways. Their posters of Big Brother along with their slogans caused many people to crumble. The most important of these slogans is BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. (pg. 4) They are trying to relay the message that you are never alone, no matter what you are doing, you will be caught. Again they also use the telescreens to implement their forms of propaganda. The two minutes of hate became a frenzy where People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their voicesÂ… (pg. 16) They are inspiring loyalty to the party, making it so their enemies are evil and completely hated and the party loved and always correctÂ… The dark-haired girl behind Winston had begun crying out ‘Swine! Swine! Swine!, and suddenly picked up a heavy newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen. It struck Goldstein s noseÂ… (pg. 16) The junior anti-sex league was a form of propaganda used to stop teens completely from engaging in sexual relations which causes loyalty between people. Once again the party is trying to eliminate any types of bond which could lead to insurrection or loyalty to anything other than the party itselfÂ… The party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, than to distort it and dirty it. (pg. 69) The most hidden way that the party controls itsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1531 Words   |  7 Pagesbecome a reoccurring theme in his literary work 1984. In 1984, Winston Smith, the protagonist, would team up with Julia, a fellow nonconformist, to fight the Party, and more specifically, Big Brother, all taking place in the continent of Oceania. Overall, the main concept of 1984 is the Party’s need to control every aspect of life, completed through the use of constant surveillance, fear, language and more specifically through the use of these techniques, controlling their thoughts, essentially, OceaniaRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Brave New World938 Words   |  4 Pagessimilarities in how the government in the novel 1984 and the government in the novel Brave New World control the citizens of their society? Both government are tyrannical types of governments with total control over their people. The two novels have many differences and similarities in the methods the government uses to control the people, they use methods such as psychological manipulation, torture, emotional oppression, and t. The first method of control is torture. Torture is defined as inflictingRead More1984 Theme Essay1062 Words   |  5 PagesAbsolute control over society is the central theme in the novel, 1984, by George Orwell. One method this power over society is exercised is use of language to manipulate and control people. The story features a society called Oceania, which is located in the European region. In Oceania, there is a form of totalitarian government called the Party which controls the entire society. The Party controls thoughts by making certain words or phrases illegal. In addition, any anti-party thoughts or motivesRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s A Clockwork Orange 1611 Words   |  7 Pagesto do as we please. Or is this the path we are heading towards? 1984 and ‘A clockwork orange’ show a projection of a harsh dystopian future where the people are ruled over and oppressed by dictatorial governments. The minority who are brave enough to rebel are quickly broug ht to a halt and then conditioned to fit back into a ‘perfect’ society. In George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’, the reader can see how a totalitarian regime can control people s lives through the use of propaganda, technology, historyRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Clockwork Orange 1439 Words   |  6 Pagesnever truly free to do as we please. Or is this the path we are heading towards? 1984 and A clockwork orange show a projection of a harsh dystopian future where the people are ruled over and oppressed by dictatorial governments. The minority who are brave enough to rebel are quickly brought to a halt and then conditioned to fit back into a ‘perfect’ society. In 1984 George Orwell shows how totalitarianism controls people s lives through propaganda and technology, history without any truth, andRead MoreHistory and the Novel 1984848 Words   |  4 Pagespower have complete control and do not allow people to oppose them. Those in power are a single party dictatorship in which one party controls state, and all other parties are forbidden. Other important features that distinguish or help define totalitarianism include restricted or eliminated constitutional rights, state terrorism, and totalitarian rulers are known as ideological dictators. The government of Oceania, in the novel 1984, is an example of totalitarian society. Germany, under AdolfRead More history and the novel 1984 Essay examples840 Words   |  4 Pagesin power have complete control and do not allow people to oppose them. Those in power are a single party dictatorship in which one party controls state, and all other parties are forbidden. Other important features that d istinguish or help define totalitarianism include restricted or eliminated constitutional rights, state terrorism, and totalitarian rulers are known as ideological dictators. The government of Oceania, in the novel 1984, is an example of totalitarian society. Germany, under AdolfRead MoreThe Hunger Games And 1984918 Words   |  4 Pages One of the most popular themes in novels today involve dystopian societies and many of these books share many characteristics. Both novels include an overpowering government that does not allow basic freedoms to its citizens and when crimes are committed, the punishments have no regulations controlling them. The society in The Hunger Games and 1984 both use a bird as a symbol of freedom, monitor citizens via telescreens and divides their society into groups that work together to benefit the governmentRead MoreEnglish Year 11 Essay1148 Words   |  5 Pagesrelate to your prescribed text (1984) and ONE related text. Power can be defined as many types ranging from physical, psychological, love, status or government. With power comes great responsibility. If power is not controlled, negative consequences could be developed. This is noticeable through the 2 texts that have been analysed, George Orwell 1984 and Disney Pixar Film WALL E. In both these texts, countless types of power can be extracted whether it is being used for the good or bad. Power isRead MoreJustice in George Orwells 19841293 Words   |  6 PagesJustice in 1984 The concept of justice is an important subject in George Orwell’s 1984. Justice is defined according to Plato as â€Å"the interest of the stronger†. Justice plays a big role in 1984’s society. Justice is understood differently by the protagonists of the text than how it is represented by the societies in which they live. In the novel 1984 by Orwell, an extremely controlling totalitarian government called The Party, rules the society. They have introduced Telescreens which monitor